Wednesday, June 06, 2007

In which I quote Gothamist and the NYtimes

Gothamist responds to yesterdays NYtimes graffiti story. Also, "The Times reported that since the formation of the new unit, there's been a 20% increase in arrests, contributing to a 78% increase in graffiti-related crimes for 2004. Tools that the police will be using: A database to track graffiti crime patterns (especially targetting repeat and the top 100 offenders), infrared cameras, and a reward program that offers $500 to anyone who reports a graffiti incident that results in an arrest and conviction."

Monday, June 04, 2007

Back from Pennsylvania, covered in welts

Monday round up -

Dondi White S'mores

"Get One. Get the Set. Eat the Chocolate. Save the Wrapper.Ten legendary New York City graffiti artists including Blade, Crash, Crachee, Crime 79, Dondi, Dr. Revolt, Iz the Wiz, Lady Pink, Spar One and Voice of the Ghetto (Stay High 149) have created one-of a kind works transforming wrappers for an array of new candy bar of which a portion of the proceeds will benefit the All-Stars Project."

New Graffiti story from the New York Times

“A lot of these photographers think they are intrepid explorers discovering these guys in the inner city, making crazy statements like they are going to take them out of the ghetto,” said Stacey Richman, a lawyer representing Tats Cru and the other muralists. “But these guys are acclaimed artists in their own right. Just put their names into any search engine. They are world-renowned. They’ve lectured at M.I.T. and exhibited at the Smithsonian.”

ALOE (Staten Island) is back in Court again today.