Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas past, New Years beckons

Back from MPLS, where did all the writers go? St. Paul?

Here is a little Christmas present from our friends over at Sucka Pants great blog and Rhymesayers.

This Moment in Black History - Obama the pres is you

Brother Ali - Obama you're the man

The image is from my trip to Bangkok this year. Got to love the penguin with the rainbow mohawk!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Holidays

Here's a clip from Mr. Tom Waits to help us get over our respective holiday hangovers. God bless us everyone!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Back here in the middlewest and its cold. Some great new projects and possibiltys on the horizion Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

One night in Bangkok....

Like I said Bangkok has a great graff scene, which in not necessarily evidenced in this picture. Looks like some weird European writers that I don't know.

Also, it creeps me out that the google analytics thinks this site is about cops. I wonder if that becuase I mention them occasionly or becuase of the internet traffic that I get?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Back from the East

I recently spent some time traveling around Thailand and South Korea. While the latter has hardly any public graffiti the former has a vibrant scene. Many of the most prominent are European and American artists. Ojae, UFO, and Gen II, seemed to have traveled there as a crew and really put in a lot of work. There was just something about UFO's octopus/alien character that really fit Bangkok, though I saw it lurking in other Thai cities as well.

More to come soon.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

So much all the time

Flobots-Handlebars - Flobots

There is always so much to keep up on. Addicted to watching the election and following the situation in Thailand. It feels the the world is moving so fast right now. I thought I would share part of a letter my dad wrote to me

Instead of covering the boring content of the republican's convention yesterday, the media should have covered the rally yesterday and let the voices of dissent be heard. I was at the rally in St Paul in front of the Capitol. It was good and inspiring. Large turnout, mellow crowd. Code Pink was hilarious, the best. Medea Benjamin was there, and led their narrative. All in feminine pink fluffy dress, including a few code pink guys. One young miss wore a sign that said "I still miss fair voting."

And then, the march, one mile to the Excel Energy Center. Things started to look a bit edgy.
Agent provocatuers (I think), posing as "anarchists," and wearing ominous black masks and black clothing, march in their own contingent, grab metal signs and use them to smash the storefront window at Macy's and smash in police car windows, all in a well contrived effort to discredit the large messages of protest. Both the over-done presence of troops and the over-wrought behavior of the anarchists are part of an effort to create an atmosphere of brutality, generating more fear and anxiety; all to tie extremism and violence to the anti-McCain forces. Eh?

The police actions were equally provocative, all to create an atmosphere and generate extreme behavior. To me, it is all shades of Governor Ronald Reagan and the Berkeley protestors ("Free Speech Movement"), a phenomenon of violent confrontation that he used to his great political advantage.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Oh and in China...

Recently several American's were sentened to 10 days in jail including a member of the Graffiti research Lab. Boing Boing has been providing excellent coverage.

Utah and Ether Clapped up

Utah and Ether were both arrested recently. I did see their work in Paris while I was there recently. We here at With out effort wish them both well.

Tagging Queens Couple Arrested

Destined to be dubbed the Bonnie and Clyde of the graffiti world, Danielle Bremner (tags: Utah, Dani, Erin) and her boyfriend Jim Clay Harper (tag: Ether) were both arrested for causing $100,000 in damages to city transit facilities, Newsday reports.

The Queens couple had reportedly fled to Europe for three months, "where they dined, partied - and tagged their way through 10 or so countries." So their legal problems aren't just in the city, allegedly France seeks to prosecute them. (Back in 2006 there were conflicting views on whether or not most of the city's taggers are domestic or European.) The 26-year-old Bremner was arrested after deboarding a flight from Europe in Chicago, while 23-year-old Harper was arrested at JFK--both on Tuesday night.

When Bremner is extradited back to New York she faces criminal mischief and burglary charges in a Manhattan indictment accusing them of tagging train yards in Inwood and Harlem. Harper was arraigned Wednesday, plead not guilty and was released. He and his lawyer could not be reached for comment.

Sources said both suspects face further charges for a number of other acts of graffiti in all the boroughs, except Staten Island - including tagging 8 subway cars in Manhattan and about 20 acts of vandalism in the Bronx.

Bremner has been arrested before, both in Toronto and in Boston (where she is "wanted"). One source told the paper of Harper: "He's a big player. He just hasn't been caught. Now he has, and his status in the graffiti world will definitely go up."

Monday, July 14, 2008

Spraying AKs sideways

Buck! Buck! Buck!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A great article about Obama and street art in Boston from the Boston Globe

"The owners of a small South End gallery say they had the best of intentions when they commissioned a famous and often mischievous street artist to install a massive political mural on a construction wall lining one of the artiest strips of the South End."

"Rather, residents, business owners, and even fellow gallery owners expressed frustration, angst, and anger over the way some English enthusiasts descended upon the city, plastering windows, telephone polls, and other surfaces with miniature posters meant to advertise the massive exhibit."

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pennsylvania - Election Day

So here it is sports fans. Election day in Pennsylvania. Will this fucking thing ever end?

Photo by Miguel.

Monday, April 21, 2008

In the news...

A new article in the NY Post reports that

"The NYPD recorded and unprecedented 81.5 percent surge in graffiti-related complaints from 2006 to 2007.

During the same period, graffiti arrests spiked nearly 28 percent. "

and then goes on to quote Vallone

" "Unfortunately, because of the lack of police officers, the fact that they have to do double duty and combat serious threats like terrorism, minor crime, including graffiti, are on the rise," he added.

Vallone also blamed a pop culture that portrays graffiti as a cool, legitimate form of art. "

what a dickhead.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I know I am bad

Baby: Sorry for not updating the blog like I said I would let me try and make it up to you with this


you should see the enjoyed player here if you have flash

There are also a Radiohead cover album.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Guest Photoblogger: Big Baby Miguel

Graffiti from the train in Budapest.

Truck of the Faro's

This truck is around every weekend just around the corner from Great Jones Alley. I always really enjoy the view. In many ways trucks serve as the new trains in urban graffiti, minus the whole predictable route thing. That's why when you find one that parks consistently it's a thing of beauty.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

New Gridskipper Post - "New York: I Drink Your Milkshake"

Take a look at my new post and first crappy photoshop job for Gridskipper.

Monday, March 03, 2008


I realize I have been a little light on the graffiti front lately so here is a detail from the a mural in DUMBO by the REVOK and some of the rest of the 7th Letter Crew.

In Which I Visit the Japanese Embassy

Today I had the distinct pleasure to visit the Japanese Embassy in New York for a Sake tasting. The attending group was surprisingly small, the Sake was amazing, and the sushi was some of the best that I have ever had.

One of the most surprising facts that I learned was that the Japanese Sake industry is in deep decline. Before World War 1 Japan had over 60,000 Sake makers in its 38 prefectures. Today it has just over 1,400 with an annual LOSS of 5-6 a year. The culprit appears to be an influx of foreign beverages, Beer, Scotch, and Whiskey especially.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

This Fascist American LIfe

From Naomi Wolf: Fascist America in 10 Easy Steps

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy

2. Create a gulag

3. Develop a thug caste

4. Set up an internal surveillance system

5. Harass citizens' groups

6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release

7. Target key individuals

8. Control the press

9. Dissent equals treason

10. Suspend the rule of law

Friday, February 15, 2008

Dre Day in NYC

Dre Day in NYC

I was at the first Dre Day many years ago in Minneapolis. I believe that it was at the 7th Street Entry. After that it began to be held at the Triple Rock Social Club. It was always a great time, I highly reccomend attending. I wonder how the NYC flavor of the event will be different then the MPLS?

Free Music - In Rainbows Remix by Amplive

I am a little late to the game with this one. Haven't heard it yet but looks great. Check out the official website here.

"Download Amplive's Rainydayz Remixes, an 8-track collection featuring remixes of Radiohead's historic seventh album, In Rainbows. The songs are available in a zip file below and feature verses courtesy of Too $hort, MC Zumbi of Zion I, Chali2na of Jurassic 5, and Del the Funky Homosapien"

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

In which I quote from Gridskipper

"According to new NYPD statistics, graffiti complaints in Brooklyn rose 96% last year, with arrests in the borough increasing by 33%. Citywide, complaints almost doubled from 4,886 in 2006 to 8,866 in 2007, and total arrests rose from 2,962 to 3,786. Williamsburg leads the tagging trend with a total of 186 complaints.

“It's so expensive here, yet it looks like a dump,” long-time Williamsburg resident Mel Costello, 63, declared to the Daily News. “It's ugly. I don't care about someone's initials I can't make out. [The police] need to clean it up and catch these silly kids.”

But NYPD Assistant Chief Michael Collins blames the statistical surge on a new policy requiring officers to fill our a written report for each and every graffiti complaint. “We believe the increase in graffiti incidents is due to increased reporting, not an upsurge in the crime itself,” Collins explains.

Try telling that to Barbara Caporimo, owner of Shear Ecstasy hair salon in Bay Ridge: “I've had to paint over my [security] gates about 20 times in the past four years.” Her neighborhood took the number 2 slot in graffiti complaints, beating out other heavily tagged hoods such as East New York, Cypress Hills, Bensonhurst, Gravesend and Sheepshead Bay.

Queens D.A. Richard Brown fears the city is slipping back to the early-80s era of graffiti saturation, with a particular increase in gang tagging used to mark territory. At the same time, tagging on subways has decreased 45%; officials say the improvement is thanks to the NYC Transit "Eagle Team", a new anti-graffiti squad launched last fall. Have you noted any increase in tagging in your hood?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

WK Ultra - LES

Here is a piece in the Lower East Side which I believe is WK Ultra. It was dark so I couldn't make out much of it. Sorry about the image quality it was taken from my phones camera.

Friday, February 08, 2008

BK's Best BBQ

Hey Sportsfans,

I have a new post up on Gridskipper. Please take a look here.

Yes we can!

Here is a story from on the Shepard Fairy poster meme which the Obama campaign seems to have latched on to. Does anyone know where you can download the design?

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Thursday Round Up

With Super Duper Tuesday fading in to the annals of history I must say I feel a little let down. It was a tight race before and remains a tight race now. I suppose that the news of Clinton inusing her own campaign with 5 million dollars is good news. But as DNC chairman Howard Dean has pointed out it will be ultimately be difficult for the party if things come down to the convention and deals are hammered out in shady back rooms. Let's hope that Obama continues to build his campaign and starts to pull away in the delegate count.


In other news Ratatat, the fantastic Crown Heights electro / Hip-Hop duo, has made their second remix album available for free download. Click here if that interests you.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008

New Yorks Sexiest Wine lists

New post is up on gridskipper take a look.

In other news its Steph's B-day, call her and wish her a happy one!

Monday, January 21, 2008

New Gridskipper Post - Offbeat sightseeing in New York

Hello Friends,

I have a new post up at Gridskipper. Please go take a look here. As always let me know if you have any story ideas, adventures, or feedback. For a list of all my stories click here.

Beautiful Vandalism

Turned on to a great website via a friend -

Much like what you see here but more so. Looks like a lot of euro graffiti. But saw a few locals like elbow toe and swoon. Take a look and enjoy. Just shifted my employment so I am down to two jobs. You should be seeing a lot more flicks and notes now here at WEIDEAM. I have missed you all.



p.s. - The above image was taken last year a one of the big NYC immigration rallys.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Thuggy Stardust VS Niggy Tardust

I haven't listened to the Thuggy Stardust album yet, but I am fond of these mash ups. The reviews are pretty terrible. You may want to check out the Saul Williams & Trent Reznor collabo. Both are free. As an aside I should have a link to a new Gridskipper post coming out sometime soon.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Back in 2008

We will be coming back shortly. Please bare with me. that is all.