Friday, January 25, 2008

New Yorks Sexiest Wine lists

New post is up on gridskipper take a look.

In other news its Steph's B-day, call her and wish her a happy one!

Monday, January 21, 2008

New Gridskipper Post - Offbeat sightseeing in New York

Hello Friends,

I have a new post up at Gridskipper. Please go take a look here. As always let me know if you have any story ideas, adventures, or feedback. For a list of all my stories click here.

Beautiful Vandalism

Turned on to a great website via a friend -

Much like what you see here but more so. Looks like a lot of euro graffiti. But saw a few locals like elbow toe and swoon. Take a look and enjoy. Just shifted my employment so I am down to two jobs. You should be seeing a lot more flicks and notes now here at WEIDEAM. I have missed you all.



p.s. - The above image was taken last year a one of the big NYC immigration rallys.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Thuggy Stardust VS Niggy Tardust

I haven't listened to the Thuggy Stardust album yet, but I am fond of these mash ups. The reviews are pretty terrible. You may want to check out the Saul Williams & Trent Reznor collabo. Both are free. As an aside I should have a link to a new Gridskipper post coming out sometime soon.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Back in 2008

We will be coming back shortly. Please bare with me. that is all.