Sunday, March 30, 2008

Vector Tower Defense

Monday, March 10, 2008

Guest Photoblogger: Big Baby Miguel

Graffiti from the train in Budapest.

Truck of the Faro's

This truck is around every weekend just around the corner from Great Jones Alley. I always really enjoy the view. In many ways trucks serve as the new trains in urban graffiti, minus the whole predictable route thing. That's why when you find one that parks consistently it's a thing of beauty.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

New Gridskipper Post - "New York: I Drink Your Milkshake"

Take a look at my new post and first crappy photoshop job for Gridskipper.

Monday, March 03, 2008


I realize I have been a little light on the graffiti front lately so here is a detail from the a mural in DUMBO by the REVOK and some of the rest of the 7th Letter Crew.

In Which I Visit the Japanese Embassy

Today I had the distinct pleasure to visit the Japanese Embassy in New York for a Sake tasting. The attending group was surprisingly small, the Sake was amazing, and the sushi was some of the best that I have ever had.

One of the most surprising facts that I learned was that the Japanese Sake industry is in deep decline. Before World War 1 Japan had over 60,000 Sake makers in its 38 prefectures. Today it has just over 1,400 with an annual LOSS of 5-6 a year. The culprit appears to be an influx of foreign beverages, Beer, Scotch, and Whiskey especially.