Tuesday, September 02, 2008

So much all the time

Flobots-Handlebars - Flobots

There is always so much to keep up on. Addicted to watching the election and following the situation in Thailand. It feels the the world is moving so fast right now. I thought I would share part of a letter my dad wrote to me

Instead of covering the boring content of the republican's convention yesterday, the media should have covered the rally yesterday and let the voices of dissent be heard. I was at the rally in St Paul in front of the Capitol. It was good and inspiring. Large turnout, mellow crowd. Code Pink was hilarious, the best. Medea Benjamin was there, and led their narrative. All in feminine pink fluffy dress, including a few code pink guys. One young miss wore a sign that said "I still miss fair voting."

And then, the march, one mile to the Excel Energy Center. Things started to look a bit edgy.
Agent provocatuers (I think), posing as "anarchists," and wearing ominous black masks and black clothing, march in their own contingent, grab metal signs and use them to smash the storefront window at Macy's and smash in police car windows, all in a well contrived effort to discredit the large messages of protest. Both the over-done presence of troops and the over-wrought behavior of the anarchists are part of an effort to create an atmosphere of brutality, generating more fear and anxiety; all to tie extremism and violence to the anti-McCain forces. Eh?

The police actions were equally provocative, all to create an atmosphere and generate extreme behavior. To me, it is all shades of Governor Ronald Reagan and the Berkeley protestors ("Free Speech Movement"), a phenomenon of violent confrontation that he used to his great political advantage.