Friday, March 30, 2007

REVS -Teenage Piece

A huge shout out this week to Razorapple for running this article on REVS. When my blog grows up it wants to be just like the Rapple. A few things spring to mind when you see the REVS video. Firstly, anyone else notice that he's wearing a CLAW t-shirt? And secondly, the piece featured in the video looks exactly like another REVS piece in DUMBO that featured a few weeks back. He must run his stuff in a series. And thirdly, What was the COST, REVS footage that was spliced in there?

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hip-Hop is dead

They hate us for our freedom?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wednesday's Swoon Posting

Hello all,

Sorry I haven't been vigilant in my daily postings. I have been a little swamped lately. Here is a Swoon wheat paste from over by the Brooklyn Navy Yards.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Upskirt - Hymnz Readr Illbght

Happy Monday Morning,

Did you know...
There is a new Lord of the Rings book coming out written by Tolkien's son based on his notes.

Neckface has a video up on the Vice Magazine website. Here is an article about his Vans billboard which was recently defaced.

Scotland is dealing with some graffiti problems "You'll have had your graffiti say well-to-do vandals."

Here is an article about REWD and SOlER in Dallas....

Sunday, March 25, 2007

GEN II - On the Bowery

Here is an old GEN II piece that I saw on the Bowery a few months ago. I was reminded of it when I went and saw the groundbreaking movie On the Bowery last night. The 1957 film is about an ex-rail road workman flopping on the Bowery and descending in to alcoholism and homelessness. The film utilizes a mix of actors and real Bowery "residents" to paint a bleak image 1950's New York. There were a lot of interesting comparisons between the old and new Bowery. For one, there used to be a huge elevated train that ran down the Bowery, I believe that is has been totally demolished. When did that happen? The film also features what appears to be the Bowery Mission, looking much like it does today.

The Bowery was also home to Charles Eisenmann, one of my favorite photographers of all time. He is known for his sitting portraits of human oddities. The pictures would then be sold at side shows to supplement the performers income. You can find some of his work on the fantastic Athanusius Kircher Society website. You can still find some of his photos floating around at the 25th St, flea market, through private collectors, or at Obscura Antiques.

Or you can live in the new gentrified Bowery.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Mojo - Keep on Trucking

I'm not sure if this is a permission piece or not. I try not to post permssion pieces, but this is really nice so I'll make an exception. I am trying to make a trip up on to the highline at some point, does anyone have any tips for getting up?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Earsnot and SACER - Irak 99

Here is a old Irak roller over by the west side highway. I have been meaning to get the picture for awhile. If you haven't seen it yet, I recomend the movie Infamy. Earsnot is featured in the film, a move that got him arrested. Also please check out the This American Life entitled "Cat and Mouse" , there is a great story about REVS and Earsnot.

TAL Summary: " Spray My Name, Spray My Name. In a way, it's the most classic cat and mouse game of all. A nimble graffiti writer dashes out into the night to leave his mark. Watching and waiting for him are the stronger, if less agile, NYPD Vandal Squad, whose sole mission is their arrest. Brian Thomas Gallagher reports. (8 minutes)"

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Free Music - LCD Soundsystem remixed & A.S. Defjux

Here are a couple of great free albums for you to download. The first is a LCD Soundsystem remix
project. There is an article about LCD frontman James Murphy in the current issue of the Village voice. Evidently he is very interested in pursuing a career in mixed martial arts fighting.

The second album features a line up out of El-P's record label, Def Jux. It's paid for by adult swim who have been putting out a lot of fine hip-hop albums. There are tracks by El-P, Cannibal Ox, Aesop Rock, and many more. You can download it here. You can also stream the great album Chrome Children here.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Katsu - Uber Patriot

I was out in Crown Heights last night and I noticed this great Katsu piece. Who knew he was such a patriot? Here is a video with Katsu showcasing some of the innovative technology he uses to do tall pieces. Sorry about the tree in the way, what are you going to do though? There's a big RAMBO fill in on the other side of the truck, if I get a chance that'll make an appearance later.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Neckface - Satans Bride

Here are some unsplashed Neckface flicks. A lot of people really hate on this dude, but he has put in a lot of work. Sure he has a vans contract, I wish I did. I think that Bill Cosby said it best "I've been rich and I've been poor...Rich is better."

Goya - Banta Fodder

Goya writes this sort of menacing stick figure. I assume (perhaps incorrectly) that he is not Chicago's Goya with the CMK crew. I see Goys'a stuff mostly in Brooklyn and Manhattan, he gets up a fair amount, though I haven't seen much new stuff lately.

While I am thinking of it, I urge you to go down to Powerhouse Books in DUMBO. They have a show going on entitled "That 70's show." The exhibit is a great time capsule of New York during during the blackout 70's. It showcases a lot of Studio 54, Warhol, and general photographic debauchery. They also have a lot of great original artwork up by the likes of Blade, Taki 183 and Iz the Wiz. Peep it.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Faro - The real filthy animal

Faro has really been putting in a lot of work lately. He has gotten pretty good spots and seems to be up everywhere. I noticed the other day that he has a Myspace page too. Seems a little weird to me, but whatevs.

Friday, March 16, 2007


Sooooo. Have to go to the airport in about four hours? I do. Here is a Discreet's night owl to keep you company. I snapped them up in Williamsburg, of course. It's totally played out how traveling graffiti writers just go hit up hipster kid neighborhoods. Word is he is from East London, I'm not totally sure. Anyone know?

Free Music: DJ Karl Marx - Planet Beats

Hey Everyone!!!

Go here and download my friends new album for free. Planet Beats! is The Planets suite by Gustav Holst, remixed by Karl Marx .

More Deuce Seven

Sorry, I forgot to post this flick. And here is another article about 27.

Deuce Seven, Williamsburg and LES

Right on the heels of the big KIKO cover story.The Village Voice has an article on Deuce 7, in this weeks issue. The voice is really blowing up writers right now.

"The most recent street figures to get this much attention were the incredibly prolific graffiti writer Kuma and, more recently, an anonymous vandal who's been throwing paint on other people's work, earning the notorious nickname "the Splasher." But rather than getting up all over the city with a simple tag or wrecking other people's art with mindless splatterings, Deuce Seven produced much more striking work."

City Scape

I kind of like the Tetris piece in the right corner. It has a real crispness to it. Walk over the Manhattan bridge and you too can see it.

Swoon - Lower east Side

Swoon is really loved by a lot of people who hate traditional graffiti. She is getting a lot of shows, her work can be found in the Brooklyn Museum of Art.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Bombed out van - Williamsburg

I am not sure who the writer is, but I thought it was pretty dope. It was parked over on North 7th, I think.

REVS Sculpture - DUMBO, Brooklyn

There are quite a few REVS pieces lurking around DUMBO. One great piece I saw a few years ago mysteriously disappeared, despite being spot welded in place. REVS is one of the great early/mid 90's writers, who along with COST killed the city with spray cans and wheat paste.

REVS is also known for a series of Subway diary style entries. HE would venture deep in to the tunnels and write autobigraphical entries on the walls. REVS is one of the greats.