Sunday, March 25, 2007

GEN II - On the Bowery

Here is an old GEN II piece that I saw on the Bowery a few months ago. I was reminded of it when I went and saw the groundbreaking movie On the Bowery last night. The 1957 film is about an ex-rail road workman flopping on the Bowery and descending in to alcoholism and homelessness. The film utilizes a mix of actors and real Bowery "residents" to paint a bleak image 1950's New York. There were a lot of interesting comparisons between the old and new Bowery. For one, there used to be a huge elevated train that ran down the Bowery, I believe that is has been totally demolished. When did that happen? The film also features what appears to be the Bowery Mission, looking much like it does today.

The Bowery was also home to Charles Eisenmann, one of my favorite photographers of all time. He is known for his sitting portraits of human oddities. The pictures would then be sold at side shows to supplement the performers income. You can find some of his work on the fantastic Athanusius Kircher Society website. You can still find some of his photos floating around at the 25th St, flea market, through private collectors, or at Obscura Antiques.

Or you can live in the new gentrified Bowery.

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