Monday, April 30, 2007

Monday Morning.

-An interesting article on ancient graffiti - "Celadus the Thracier makes the girls moan!"

-"Brazenly using ladders and large rollers, the gang spent two days daubing a giant deformed child’s head and lizard across a rooftop wall in central Bristol. Several onlookers called police but were stunned when officers said they could not enter the building on safety grounds and they did not have the resources to stand and wait outside."

-"Reminiscent of Wooster Collective's 11 Spring project in New York City last year, the Kelburm Castle in Scotland is the next building in line to be covered in street art."

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Monk - King of Queens

and more Monk flicks here.

Friday, April 27, 2007

clips obama

more clips

More Obama clips

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Graff videos = Lazy Thursday

There have been a glut of graffiti documentaries lately. The latest edition is "Bomb it." The trailer doesn't have a embed code with it so you'll have to click through. It does have Cornbread and Obey in it, I don't know, I am kind of over the graffiti documentary movie.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Guest Photoblogger:Dangerburger

Foreign desk reporter Dangerburger has just returned from Israel with a bunch of great flicks. Hopefully he'll be sharing more with us in the days and weeks that follow. It was reported that there is a great deal of apocalyptic / messianic / religious graffiti in the country right now. The "Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman" being one of the prime examples.

We here at WEIDEAM are glad to see him back safe and sound. Several of WEIDEAM's sources have revelead widespread anticipation of a war this summer in the region. The BBC seems to agree.

Some Links-
Aerosol Arabic - Graffiti for God
That Free Dom for Bosh

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Guest Photoblogger: Bigbabymiguel

Today's image comes courtesy of Bigbabymiguel. You can check out some of his amazing photography here. The image was taken in an an abandoned Yonkers power plant, and is evidently by an anonymous"Godspeed you Black Emperor" fan.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Robots will tear us apart.

It's going to be in the 80's today so a BBQ is in order!

In the news-

The Spring St. building is finally getting buffed.

The UK's plan to 'legalise' graffiti.

Richmonds "Style weekly"crituqes some of the "local" tags.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The end is near...

Could New York's graffiti be coming to a end? Gothamist runs an alarming story. Move or marijuna smokers, taggers will soon be joining you for lengthy prison sentences.

"Relatively light sentences for graffiti crime might be a thing of the past, however, if some of the local District Attorneys get their way. In a groundbreaking case, they've charged the legendary Alan Ket with crimes that could land him in the clink for decades-- crimes that no one ever witnessed him committing.....If Ket gets convicted and the conviction stands, many of those artists could be prosecuted-- not just for the pieces they were caught doing, but for ones that they've photographed and stored on their computers. And a logical next step is to try to prosecute people for pieces that have been documented by themselves and others online-- and that could have some serious repercussions for anyone who's ever taken a picture of graffiti and uploaded it to Flickr."

As a result I am seriously thinking of ending this blog.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


If you want to find out more about, two hot selling graffiti people read here. Just like peanut butter and jelly, right?

Razor Apple reports the amazing and long running Dr. Sex piece was finally buffed.

Have you ever seen the Graffiti Generator?

I hate NYC

If you are thinking of moving to New York city...don't. I was crossing the street tonight and this guy almost hit me (again!) and I said, "watch where you're going we have the light." He said "You're poor!" This isn't this first time either. I hate these people, the next guy is in trouble.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Obama videos - No pictures today.

Hello All,

Here are some videos I made. Comments are welcome as always.



Friday, April 13, 2007

Swoon - Red Hook

Hello all,

Things are a little busy for me right now. Here is a fading Swoon piece, I think it's charming.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

More graffiti as ads - Can you dig i

This Warriors themed graffiti / rockstar games advertisement is across the street from one of the best bars in Brooklyn : Moonshine. Jerry the bartender is one of the great public institution of our fair city. Anyone have any thoughts on graffiti as advertisements?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tuesday round up - Happy spring st.

- In other parts of my life I am involved in politics. You can read about it . I encourge all of you, gentle readers, to get involved. Even if it's not with Obama, who should be the next president. I hope to upload the documentry I have been working on some time soon.

- Oded and Meghan have been overseas in Tel Aviv and Paris, I hope to have some stories and images from them. BTW Thanks for the mask Meghan!

- Peter "Douchebag" Vallone Jr. has once again screamed hystarclly about graffiti after adidas sponsered a graff related event the other day. "[It's] like posting a billboard calling on teens to break the law." Hmmmm, I would like to see that!

- Saif Azzuz, 19, who tagged under the name "Bart" or "El Barto," will also pay restitution to his victims, said Sonoma County Assistant District Attorney Diana Gomez. Prosecutors dropped seven felony counts in exchange for Azzuz' plea. Police said Azzuz, who was arrested in October, was a prolific vandal, tagging several hundred targets in the North Bay including private and public property. He will perform graffiti abatement as his service to the community and any money he makes will be donated back to the program, said Gomez.

- In response to a recent wave of vandalism and graffiti occurring on Saipan, Department of Public Safety Crime Prevention Unit is set to spearhead the latest Beautify CNMI! effort, unofficially called the “War on Graffiti.”

DPS will coordinate with student volunteers from Law Enforcement Explorer Program, Junior Police Officers, Drug Abuse Resistance Education, as well as community volunteers from Mariana Islands Nature Alliance, Seventh-day Adventist Church, and Friends of the Mariana Islands to paint over graffiti in public places.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Sunday in Brooklyn - Zombie BBQ

Happy Easter everyone!

Although I have to go work, I am hoping to catch the tail end of the Zombie BBQ over in Lefferts Garden. If you want zombies tonight and you aren't in Brooklyn, I recommend Grindhouse, the new slasher/zombie double feature. If spring is here why is it snowing?

Friday, April 06, 2007

I love NARG!

I love lamp.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

El-P - Free music

So, I haven't tried to embed anything like this player. It should be at the bottom of the post. I got it from pitchfork, the following text too..

Jan Hammer: "Darkness/Earth in Searches of a Sun"
Camp Lo: "82 Afros"
Mars Volta: "The Widow (El-P remix)"
Paul McCartney: "Temporary Secretary"
Silver Apples: "A Pox on You"
El-P: "Tasmanian Pain Coaster"

Utah - Stairway to the midwest

Here are some nice Utah pieces. I stumbled across an article about her from some years ago in the village voice.

"Utah, who's like a character sprung from the head of a morose graphic novelist, is one of the few, maybe only, female extreme-graff artists. She's an antisocial and agile ex-goth girl who travels crewless, preferring to scale bridges, jump tracks, and crawl along slanted rooftops alone. Lately, her excellently bold, black, loping "straight letter" has ridden the ledge of the Manhattan Bridge."

Monday, April 02, 2007

More Os Gemeos

Here are some more Os Gemeos flicks. The piece is from 2005 and is still looking amazing. Hopefully I can photoshop the whole mural in to one image at some point. Here is their Flickr (which I can't recommend enough) photostream. Here is an image of the larger mural image.

This from the Dreamland artists club..
"Os Gemeos (Brazil) spent three weeks in May painting the first artwork for the project— a 130-foot mural on the wall opposite the subway station on Stillwell Avenue. They are identical twin brothers (Otavio and Gustavo) and their name translates to "the twins" in Portuguese. Os Gemeos have garnered tremendous acclaim with a recent show at Deitch Projects and a major mural for the Olympics in Athens. They gained international notoriety for their unique works created on the streets of Sao Paulo. Os Gemeos also paint canvases, make sculptures, and are both graphic designers and photographers."

Os Gemeos - The Coney Island Twins

Os Gemeos are two (Or one maybe depending on how you feel about twins)of the finest artists to pick up a spray can. They all use plenty of sequins in this piece as well.