Monday, April 02, 2007

More Os Gemeos

Here are some more Os Gemeos flicks. The piece is from 2005 and is still looking amazing. Hopefully I can photoshop the whole mural in to one image at some point. Here is their Flickr (which I can't recommend enough) photostream. Here is an image of the larger mural image.

This from the Dreamland artists club..
"Os Gemeos (Brazil) spent three weeks in May painting the first artwork for the project— a 130-foot mural on the wall opposite the subway station on Stillwell Avenue. They are identical twin brothers (Otavio and Gustavo) and their name translates to "the twins" in Portuguese. Os Gemeos have garnered tremendous acclaim with a recent show at Deitch Projects and a major mural for the Olympics in Athens. They gained international notoriety for their unique works created on the streets of Sao Paulo. Os Gemeos also paint canvases, make sculptures, and are both graphic designers and photographers."

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