Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Bedstuy Chimneys

Two Graffiti articles in the Washington Post in one day?
Washington Post - "Global positioning systems (GPS), digital photography and computer databases are joining the humble paint can as U.S. cities battle to obliterate graffiti and catch its shadowy perpetrators."

WashingtonPost - "They have names like Wisk, Revok, Panic and Oiler. They work mostly in the dark, often above six lanes of hurtling freeway traffic, and their spray-can creations sometimes last only a day."

From the "brilliant police work file" - "Navarro said he tied graffiti scrawled along Whittier Boulevard on April 25 to Carrillo because Carrillo used the same tagging name he scrawled when he was arrested the first time."

Croatian Graffti - "Ella Dvornik and Miso are having fun whilst Lonac concentrated on painting."

Jesus Saves

"Jesus Saves" puts in more work then almost any other writer. He is everywhere in NYC.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Freight yard in winter

SAPD gets night vision goggles to help battle graffiti

The person who purports to be the artist makes no mention of influences on his Flickr photo gallery, chock-full of images of listen bird graffiti, and real dead birds. Listen1's profile says simply: "I enjoy various forms of vandalism" and lists his occupation as "human being."

Signs of Youth involved with Tagging?

1) Most taggers become obsessed with graffiti and will often times have "Tag Books" that they carry with them at all times to practice perfecting their tagging skills.

2) The taggers will collect pictures of graffiti from all over and will often hang the pictures up in their bedrooms.

3) The tagger will write graffiti in their own room, including furniture, desk, walls and personal possessions.

4) Look for a change in appearance (clothing, hairstyle), friends and grades.

5) Taggers tend to go on "Bombing Raids" (Tagging expeditions) between the hours of 2am and 5am. They often get little if any sleep on those nights and will be extra tired during the day. Look for a change in their sleep patterns such as naps during the afternoon when they never used to nap before.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tropical fantasy

The times up for MFONE, Police: Pittsburgh man may be nation's top graffiti vandal. 12OZ Prophet discusses...

From the "toys getting caught" file.

Another Graffiti documentary?? Next: A Primer on Urban Painting.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Another Video

Sorry about the lack of updates I have been a busy boy lately. Here is another video I made awhile ago.

There is a great graffiti lecture going on in LA tonight.

has has some great graffiti news of late.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Rambo - First Blood

Flickr provides a forum for Irak Vs. Rambo beef.

More Rambo Flicks over at Robots will kill.

Article: Tagging Iraq: Samarra's graffiti war

Article: KEMI (Florida) is arrested.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Coney Island baby

There is a great article from Der Spiegel on murals in Baghdad. I have pretty mixed feeling about the whole thing. I am for safety, security, and non-violence. But I am pretty against walling off cities. There seems to be winners and losers whenever that is done. It also doesn't solve anything. It's a complicated issue.

I found the following passage a little worrisome -

One of the artists, Talib Muhsin, told Associated Press that the project had two goals: "We are trying to help Iraqis to coexist with these concrete barriers and accept them in their life as de facto and can't be moved -- at least for the time being," he said. And he added: "We Iraqi artists wanted to say that Iraqis are like other communities who love peace and want to get rid of this situation to live normal life."

Accepting barriers? My prediction, look for some anti-barrier graffiti soon.


Hey everyone,

So I am gearing up for some interviews with writers, graphic designers, and other assorted artists. Stay tuned...

In the News-

-Graffiti on the rise in Canada.

- Vandalism does not make you glamorous?

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Saturday - Happy Cinco de Mayo

Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone.

Cinco de Mayo("The Fifth of May" in Spanish) is a national, but not federal, holiday in Mexico which is also widely celebrated in the United States. It commemorates the victory of Mexican forces led by General Ignacio Zaragoza SeguĂ­n over the French occupational forces in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862.

It is also "Free comic book day..'

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Police beat protesters in L.A.

When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross.
Sinclair Lewis (1885 - 1951)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

New Obama video