Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Freight yard in winter

SAPD gets night vision goggles to help battle graffiti

The person who purports to be the artist makes no mention of influences on his Flickr photo gallery, chock-full of images of listen bird graffiti, and real dead birds. Listen1's profile says simply: "I enjoy various forms of vandalism" and lists his occupation as "human being."

Signs of Youth involved with Tagging?

1) Most taggers become obsessed with graffiti and will often times have "Tag Books" that they carry with them at all times to practice perfecting their tagging skills.

2) The taggers will collect pictures of graffiti from all over and will often hang the pictures up in their bedrooms.

3) The tagger will write graffiti in their own room, including furniture, desk, walls and personal possessions.

4) Look for a change in appearance (clothing, hairstyle), friends and grades.

5) Taggers tend to go on "Bombing Raids" (Tagging expeditions) between the hours of 2am and 5am. They often get little if any sleep on those nights and will be extra tired during the day. Look for a change in their sleep patterns such as naps during the afternoon when they never used to nap before.

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